- Gamma: Ireland’s green, right?
Mig: Pretty green. It rains a lot.
Gamma: We’ll go there sometime, right?
Mig: You bet.
Gamma: Austria’s yellow.
Mig: Sure.
Gamma: It is. And America, America’s blue.
Mig: [Sigh]
Gamma: Red, what country is red? Iraq is red, because of all the war there.
Mig: …
Inescapably logical, really.
aaaaand now she’s got the requisite four colors, so she can quit while she’s ahead.
although she’s wrong about austria being yellow, because the czech republic’s yellow (i think it’s related to the high beer consumption) and you can’t be the same color as your border country.
Out of the mouths of babes . . .
out of the mouths of babes, indeed.
is austria really yellow?
Austria is silver and white
Our neighbor’s house is yellow. As are many leaves this time of year. Silver and white though, yeah. And sometimes loden-green.
And Germany? (Don’t even dare to think “brown” …)