Weekend, condensed

Mig: Arrgh.
Beta: EMOL
Alpha: Your back again, honey?
Mig: Maybe if you massage it, the spasms will stop.
Gamma: Thanks for getting me the princess veil at the medieval festival.
Mig: You’re our little princess. Arrgh!!!
Beta: XNOR.
Alpha: Remember what happened last time. It just got worse.
Mig: It couldn’t get any worse.
Gamma: I don’t know who I want to marry yet, but he will be big, and handsome, and nice, and have time for me and our children.
Gamma: [Dramatic pause] Just like daddy.
Mig: Aww.
Mig: Arrgh!! Jesus!!! Oh!!! OH, FOR F*CK!!!!! Arrgh!!!!
Alpha: I warned you. Now you’re paralyzed with muscle spasms and I feel guilty because I’m Catholic.
Beta: MOZ.
Beta: Okay, finished.
Alpha: More alphabet soup, Beta?
Beta: Yes, please.
[The next day, Monday]
Gamma: Lucky today is a holiday for you, dad.
Mig: Yep.
Gamma: I never knew a grownup who had to be helped getting dressed before.
Mig: Eh, well. I remember tieing my dad’s shoes when I was your age.
Gamma: Hahahaha. I can tie shoes, no problem.
Mig: We’ll go with the flipflops, that eliminates the sock problem.

7 responses to “Weekend, condensed

  1. The thing about blogs, see, is that people read them sequentially.

    11 09 04: “Alpha and I celebrate the 24th anniversary of our first kiss today.”

    13 09 04: “Mig: Arrgh. Alpha: Your back again, honey?”

    And they start to write their own entries to cover the elisions.

  2. mig

    it occurs to me that i’ll be ready for this:
    and this:

  3. j-a

    i love this! beta’s alphabet soup!!!

    hope your back is better.

  4. Imagine she had eaten number soup. (which you don’t get in Austria)

  5. Congratulations on the kiss, and on the afterkiss.

    (my love for Beta continues to grow unabated)

  6. mig

    as does mine.

  7. D

    The soup, what a great detail to add in. I tried mouthing the words to see if there was some sort of super-genius daughter hidden code or something first, then read on…