Personal history

In the course of some geneological research I found out that a distant relative has written a book on part of the family and is somehow affiliated with this site, which got me thinking, you know, gee, personal history writing, memoires, what a totally cool idea, I should do something like that.

Books Americans can’t read

Don’t download these books if you live in the United States.
(Wow, Finnegan’s Wake! Hey, H. Rider Haggard! I’ve always thought his book “She” (apparently not one of his works available on this website), although corny, would be a perfect film vehicle for Cher.)


I was doing a google image search for pictures of Katherine Harris, of whom I am fond, for another installment of Convergent Evolution, and found this. Dang. Now I need to find someone else.

Your children are never safe

First of all, from the relative safety of my blog, I would like to take this opportunity to say a big “fuck you” to the Washington D.C.-area sniper, and his threats, simultaneously grim and asinine.

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It was on the tip of my tongue…

Or the tip of my frontal lobe… feh. I had a post half worked-up in my head on the way to work, then I played a couple rounds of wordracer before posting and now it’s all gone. (“q-u-e-e-n-l-y” = 220 points!!) Lucky you. I’m going to post something about honesty over at Raising Hell in the course of the day, I know that. What the hell was I going to say here? This happens to everyone, I know. But still. Oh yeah, I remember now. It’s even a post with kids in it, so I can reuse it on Raising Hell when I run out of inspiration… not that that’ll ever happen. Whoa, all of a sudden ideas for posts are streaming at me like asteroids when those guys came back out of hyperspace in the original Star Wars, Han Solo and those guys. Dancing! Cello lessons! But first, the post above this one, Your children are never safe. Let’s see how it comes out.