Careful where you dig

The latest issue of our village newspaper had, somewhere inside, between a message from the mayor asking people to sweep their sidewalks on Saturdays and the opening hours of the local library, a picture of a local farmer with a pile of WWII-era bombs he’d recently found in his field.

When they built the new soccer field, they turned the old one into housing plots; but before they could build, they had to clear away a bunch of bombs and grenades some old guy remembered they’d buried there right after the war, back when it’d been a fallow field. I guess a lot of that went on back then. What else can you do with old bombs? Too dangerous to blow them up I guess.

My father in law still has a scar on his leg from when, as a boy in WWII, he and his friends went fishing with hand grenades they’d gleaned from downed Allied aircraft.

Nice weekend


I’ve updated this post, click on the “more” if you’re interested.

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Dancing is hard

I love my wife. I love her and she loves me. One thing I really like about her is that she appreciates the significance of me attending dance lessons. What a hard thing that is for me to do. I mean, I thought cello was hard. I was right, too. But dancing, whew. It was misleading, probably on purpose so not everyone would drop out after the first night. They started with the easy dances. Fox trot. Slow waltz. I can handle those. Remember me talking about that? Me, Mr. Ballroom Dancer? Last time we tried something they called “Boogie Woogie” which seems to be some form of swing dancing, if I understand all this correctly. It would probably be a lot of fun if I didn’t have this problem coordinating my limbs. And we do it again in about four and a half hours from now. But I’ll do it with a smile on my face because I’m just crazy about Alpha.

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My NaNoWriMo plan

I’ve got my plan for next month all worked out. Basically, I’ll just be transferring my energies from playing Yahoo Wordracer to writing a novel. I figure that’ll come to at least 3,000 words a day right there, with only an hour or two’s work. Then, reduce my blogging from long rambling posts to putting up caption contests, personality test links, pictures of my office coffee machine and whatever’s hot on Daypop: another 1k-2k right there. In a pinch, I’ll just repost some old thing about my cats vomiting, everyone loves that and no one would notice the repeat. I figure I’ll finish the novel in about a week and a half (or at least the 50K minimum required for the contest), giving me nearly three weeks to make fun of everyone else. This is going to be great.

Do me a favor

Go over and leave your favorite scary story at the Raising Hell Scary Story Contest, right now.