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[Via Bauke]

More D Brilliance

Acerbia redesigned, go look if you haven’t already. D is really cool, and he has turtles.


Just yesterday, at the edge of despair – or as it is called when others do it, feeling sorry for oneself – today, stuck in traffic on the way to work, next to me an average grey car driven by a woman in her 60s. In the back seat, a pudgy man about 38 with the haircut mentally impaired people tend to get and a frightened look on his face, cuddling a large brown teddy bear over and over, it appeared to give him solace. Maybe traffic scares him. At any rate it changed my perspective to one of thankfulness and gratitude that my teddy bear fits in my pocket where I can pet it whenever I want without strangers seeing.


Miss B is onto me and Shorty.


To all my wonderful Greek visitors from here, I’d like to bid a warm welcome, enjoy Feral Living, and thips