A brief description of the rain

It is a very heavy, yet kind, cool but not cold rain that I am watching out the window of an apartment in Vienna, dripping from the leaves of maple trees in the courtyard and making me wish I was, instead, in a remote cabin with a crackling woodstove. It is one of my favorite weathers, despite my efforts to love all weathers equally (I generally cannot get into irritating wind or glaring sunlight, although few weathers beat a rowdy thunderstorm, which we had an hour or so ago).

One response to “A brief description of the rain

  1. I don’t think I have a favorite rain…each version brings something kind of special with it. I do, however, have an expiration date for my like of the heavy soggy laden rains that seem to fall from the skies in one long gallons filled drip for longer than a day. These sorts of rain do not please me.