MT export

I’ve got a problem with my MT. Any of you have any idea about this? I keep trying to export all my entries from this blog, to have them all offline in a single file, but the file transfer (export) keeps petering out after about 700 entries (I have over 2000 at the moment), around 3 or 4 MB I guess. I’ve tried one solution I found in the MT forum but have been unable to get it to work.

2 responses to “MT export

  1. TH

    One option is to define an alternate monthly template in the format the MT Ex

  2. Andy

    If you’re trying to switch to WordPress, then I think that it semi-automagically just takes your MT entries. Setup is certainly about a thousand times easier than it is for MT.

    Don’t ask me why I assume it’s in order to upgrade to WordPress. It probably isn’t… but, y’know, just in case you are, it could save you some time.