I made up a Buddhist joke while walking around on my lunch break, but it turned out not to be so funny.
I’m making progress in the ego-annihilation process, however. Basically, my ego did not exist yesterday. If by ego you mean that part of our brain that remembers to do things and otherwise organizes us. Yesterday I thought about an appointment I had in the evening so much, so continuously, all day long, that I ended up forgetting when it was and thinking it was an hour later and ultimately missing it. At home last night, I forgot to do every single last thing my wife asked me to do. How can a normal person forget so many things? No idea. I lay there in bed thinking, Ahhh, when she reminded me again. At first I thought, hell, I’ll just do it in the morning but it was too much stuff.
So I got dressed and did them.
Have I mentioned this already? I’ve been thinking about it ever since I read it quoted on someone’s blog. A Buddhist idea about not judging people, and how “judge” means not only condemning others or looking down on them, but also admiring or looking up to people.
It’s a fascinating idea. Ever since reading it, I’ve been all like, Bono, sheeyit, dude, and Mother Teresa? Nice wimple, baby.